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Petrified Wood update, getting the beauty out

Along Lower Mainland river basins I find a lot of what I assume is petrified wood, with the odd piece from the ocean. Some look perfectly like wood and are very striking, but many look quite dull and are harder to positively identify. But tumbling stones can bring out the beauty in them.

I put this petrified wood batch on coarse grind in my rotary rock tumbler last week. I pulled a few pieces that were done enough for now and put some others in. These rough petrified wood pieces don’t look too hot in this picture.

As I’ve written, opening the rock tumbler is like Christmas. I opened this batch a day early and took out some pieces that looked done to me. I added others and new grit to let them tumble for another week.

This was a dull batch and I was hoping a tumble could bring something out in one or two. Here are some shots of the petrified wood pieces I took out of the tumbler today.

A few petrified wood pieces I took out of coarse grind in my rotary rock tumbler. They look a whole lot better to me now!

Closeup of a piece of what I believe to be petrified wood.

This piece probably isn’t done tumbling but I took it out because I loved the gold specks so much.

This was the prettiest one in my opinion.

This is a good example of a rock that looked ugly on the outside and much nicer once tumbled.

I’m not sure if this is solely petrified wood or if it is part of something else? Two distinct patterns/materials going on. I love the colour.


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